
I, myself am a mother of twins and the founder of Tongxin Tutorial Center. The moment I created this center is still vividly etched in my mind, a proud yet daring moment.

I remember my twins were only four months old when me and my husband began teaching them English, soon they were communicating in English on a daily basis as if it was their mother tongue. Before we knew it, they were both enrolled into International Kindergartens. As much as we cherished English as a household, inadvertently we all realised that the Mandarin language is just as important. So, everyday I came back home after work, taught them Mandarin literacy and reading in attempts to interest them in the daily multi-use of the Mandarin language. Needless to say, over time they grew to love it as much as English.

However this wasn’t the case for all students; I found that majority of their classmates detested the Chinese language, dreading the classes especially the writing component. I knew that I must have been doing something correct to nurture my own children into loving their native language and I wanted to share this ease and joy in learning with other children and of course share my expertise with other parents. Hence, I founded Tongxin Tutorial Center, my goal was for it to become a safe, carefree learning environment, where students come and learn to enjoy the content being taught to them instead of it becoming a grinding chore.

Fast forward to present day 7 years later, we have expanded beyond just Mandarin. As more and more parents and students came forward to me with the need of classes in other subjects, we have done just that. Offering courses in English, Maths, the three Sciences and various foreign languages we now help students from local and international schools in acing their school’s curriculum in an enjoyable, stress free way.

Our tutorial center stands by the morals of offering quality classes and tutors that put their hearts into nurturing students at an affordable, lower than average market price. We are capable of achieving this goal by minimizing our operational and location costs; allocating our funds to other areas such as bringing in quality top notch tutors and acquiring additional study materials and curriculums.

Majority of Our Students Come From:

Sha Tin Junior & College (ESF)
South Island School (ESF)
Christian Alliance International School
Diocesan School
Canadian International School of Hong Kong
Chinese International School
Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
International Christian School
Yew Chung International School
Australian International School



記得在我的孩子四個月大起,我們就開始用英語教導他們,日常生活全部用英語溝通,直到他們三歲的時候,我就順理成章送他們到國際學校讀幼稚園,就這樣英語成了他們的母語,不經意地輕視了中文,再加上我發現學校裹的學生大部分都用英語,好像不太喜歡中文,我開始覺醒,以普通話教中文似乎是大勢所趋,就算將來到社會上工作也要懂中文啊,于是,我每天在他們放學回家後,就開始講一些有精美插圖的小故事給他們聽,讓他的慢慢接觸中文,還教開始認字和學拼音,在我循循善誘、諄諄教導之下,他們也開始慢慢地接觸了中文,日常生活也多用中文溝通了,對比不喜歡中文的國際學校學生,他 們的中文成績還是令我感到十分欣慰的。我認為學好中文并非難事,只要有一個良好的學習環境和一些良師的帶動,我相信學生們一定能迎刃而解的。因此,為了幫助那些,不喜歡中文的國際學校學生,我就創辦了「童心快樂社」。我希望他們能夠在我的中心用輕鬆、快樂的心情學好中文和其它科目。現在,我的中心包羅萬有,課程各種各樣,只要你想學,在我的中心都可以盡量幫助你和滿足家長們的要求,我和老師們一定會真心、貼心地幫助每一位到我中心的學生,讓他們在學習上取得最大的進步和滿足!并藉此機會衷心地感謝各位家長多年來的支持,我們會繼續努力,務求做到最好。



